
A marine biologist and photographer (born in Naples on 21/05/1968), he has shared a passion for the sea with his parents, Enrico and Maria Rosaria, renowned world-class underwater photographers, since childhood. He began diving with a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus in the summer of 1974 and has since frequented the waters of the Mediterranean Sea throughout the year, capturing the secret life of the underwater habitat. In 2024, he celebrates the 50th anniversary of his first scuba dive. At the age of eleven (1979), together with his brother Arturo, he started taking his first underwater photos with a Nikonos III. Since then, he has successfully participated in numerous spontaneous photography competitions and national and international contests. After a few years away from competitions, he returned to them after founding the POSEIDON TEAM A.S.D. in 2009, together with fellow divers. He served as the head of the Underwater Photography division and Vice President until December 2021. Currently, he only photographs digitally with a Nikon D850 in a NAUTICAM housing, using two SCUBALAMP SUPE D-PRO flashes, after many years of shooting analog with a Nikon F100 in an Underwave Igloo housing. Whenever he is free from work commitments, especially in winter, he escapes into the silence and darkness of the night to dive with his camera, seeking new emotions in the company of the magnificent inhabitants of the sea.

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